Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Living in the Mess

So I officially moved into my own apartment this past Saturday.....and it is a MESS!

I throughly LOVE IT though. I have no one to answer to, but me! It's an incredible feeling to wake up alone and to sit on my couch and watch a movie or make dinner by myself. I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy living alone, but honestly it has been one of the best decisions of my life.

I got snowed in my first real night at home, and waking up to that was kinda a shock, when you have no cable or internet...you feel cut off from the world.

I have gotten my bedroom completely unpacked and organized, as well as my bathroom. My kitchen for the most part is done....except for the piles of boxes that need to be trashed. My living room is another story....its a disaster and frankly I am so tired and sore it may stay that way for a couple more days.

I'll post pictures in the coming days of my new home.

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