Thursday, February 26, 2009

In Memoriam

My wonderful grandmother, Muriel, passed away December 21, 2008. She was the driving force for my mom and I. She was one of the strongest people I have EVER met. She survived numerous bouts of cancer and never gave up fighting. She often had a motto, "Never Give Up, Never Surrender." This is something I strive to do in my every day life.

My "Nana," fell ill over Thanksgiving 2008. She was supposed to fly to my mother's in Florida on the Saturday before Turkey Day and I was set to surprise her on Wednesday. Those plans never came to fruition. I got a phone call from my mother on Friday morning, informing me Nana was in the hospital and she really didn't know the circumstances. By Friday evening, it was apparent my mother would be in a car Saturday morning to drive the 14 hours from Tampa, FL to Houston, TX. I changed my flight to leave Sunday evening, as it was the earliest I could get out and just prayed she would hold on till I got there. I made sure my mom told her I was coming and to just fight.

When I arrived in my Nana's hospital room on Sunday evening, I could barely hold it together and walked out after only a few minutes, breaking down crying. She was so frail and tiny and no amount of preparation from my family or on my part prepared me for the woman I saw before me. The last time I had seen my grandmother, she was basking in the sun in her swimsuit and being this lively woman I knew and loved. She had her vodka/tonics and loved to eat good food...she especially wanted to try Kobe beef.

Over the next 10 days, I spent remembering the woman I love and being a support for my mother...she had her good days and then there were the bad...but one thing was clear, this woman was going to fight.

My mom fell ill on the Saturday before I left TX which was ironic, because my entire family thought I would have been the one who ended up the hospital, due to the fact I could keep no food down. Mom came back from visiting my grandmother that morning and I was preparing for us to go out and spend a little time together. She was not herself and in a lot of pain and nauseous. I finally all but forced her to get in the car and drove her to the hospital. I am not a person who can handle throw-up or blood, but for the sake of my mother, I stayed by herside while she constantly got sick and they drew blood. The admitted her for the evening, having no idea what was wrong with her. The next day it became apparent, in my eyes, her appendix was the culprit. My mother, according to her doctors, has me to thank for her life...which seriously how come I'm not getting paid the doctors fee if I figured that out!

I came back home, because I couldn't afford to miss anymore time from work on December 2, the same day they released my grandmother from the hospital. My mother was released the next day. Over the next several weeks, my mom stayed in Texas to care for my grandmother and help her get back on her feet. Nana was out of the hospital approx. 1 week before being re-admitted. My mom and uncle tried to put her in a rehabilitation facility, however their resources were not enough to care for my grandma, so back to the hospital she went. My mom says that on December 20th, my grandmother looked at her and said "Stacey, let me go." It was the last thing she said.

I think my grandmother held on as long as she could. I'm the only grandchild that said goodbye in person to my grandmother, however I know my brother wanted to be there and I regret telling him not to come, because I really thought she would pull out of it. I went to church the night before she passed and prayed not only to God, but to my grandfather (my Nana's husband) to please come take her, to end her pain and to allow her to watch over those she loved. Sunday morning I was with my best friend, Danielle, when I got the call that she had passed. I can honestly say that if Danielle had not been there to catch me before I fell I don't know what I would have done. I knew when I left Texas, I wouldn't see Nana again, but you just can't prepare yourself for that loss.

Nana was my everything and my mother's too. My mother is one of my best friends and she had the same relationship with my grandmother. I hope to one day have that with my daughter, if I ever have one. Nana never got to see my get married, though she tried to marry me off to every doctor in the hospital during my time there. She never got to see my have children. She never got to see me do a lot of things, but one thing is for sure, she is watching over me and smiling because she knows I am strong and will accomplish all my wants and desires. For you Nana....I will have that Kobe Beef, while wearing my red Prada purse and think of you with love. You are missed everyday.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Time For Change

For the last 5 years I have worked for a company tracking commercial real estate through-out the country. While I am not leaving the company....I will be handling a different region.

When I started with my company in January 2004, and I covered Indianapolis market.

October 2004- August 2005, I covered the Memphis market.

From August 2005 to Febuary 2006 I opened 21 expansion markets with a team of 40 other researchers, these markets included: Providence, Hartford, Richmond, Hampton Roads, Greensboro/Winston-Salem, Greenville-Spartanburg, Toledo, Western Michigan, Milwaukee/Madison, Minneapolis/St. Paul, SW Florida, Birmingham, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, San Antonio, Tuscon, Las Vegas and Salt Lake City.

Febuary 2006 to November 2006, I covered the Cleveland market

From November 2006 to August 2007, I covered the Central/Southern New Jersey market.

I was promoted from Research Associate to Certified Analyst during my tenure on NJ. In August 2007 I was transferred to part of our Quality Control department to evaluate peers on there updating and phone calls. I remained on that team for a year, when I was transferred back to Research, while maintaing my title as Certified Analyst.

From August 2008 to Febuary 2009, I covered the Nashville market.

Our company is currently putting major focus on 6 trouble markets, one of which I opened in my expansion. Salt Lake City, UT....home to the mormons. I start Monday, March 2, 2009 with different goals and responsibilities, as well as a whole new schedule for my hours. I'm not looking forward to the later hours that I'll be working, but am up for the challenge of pulling this market out of the hole it appears to be in. Wish me luck....I'm gonna need it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Two Best Friends

Tamera, Myself and Danielle.....we are the CPP. If you don't know...well then clearly you aren't worthy.

I have known Danielle for over 9 years. We met in college while pledging Delta Phi Epsilon. Danielle is often known and called D, by her friends. She is my best friend and my sister. She is that person you know you can ALWAYS turn to and she will ALWAYS be there for you, whether it be a helping hand, shoulder to cry on, or an ear to listen.

Tamera and I met about 8 years ago. I actually met her through Danielle. Tamera is often called T. She is my best friend and the person I often turn to when I need a laugh. She is blunt, honest and funny as hell. Sometimes her humor really isn't meant to be humorous, but well we don't have blonde moments with T....they are merely Tamera moments.

I love my CPP best friends. I don't know what I would do without them. They are my backbone, my rocks. My laughter, my tears.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Before

The pictures are my new home before I actually move in next weekend. In order of pictures: bathroom (1), kitchen (3), bedroom (4 including the closet), and the living room (3). This weekend has been one of moving. I have purchased a kitchen table and chairs as well as a tall dresser, since I have a minor obsession with clothes. I have moved a TON of stuff over to my house, and finished putting together my bathroom and kitchen. I am really looking forward to the move and will post pictures of the completed project...once its done.

Friday, February 20, 2009

On the Move

I will be moving into my first apartment...ON MY OWN.

For the last 2+ years I have lived with a great guy... Chris. He and I met on Craigslist, while I was looking for a new place to live...and while he had never lived with a girl roommate before, we fast became like brother and sister. He recently got engaged to a great girl and I couldn't be happier for them.

This engagement and the subsequent marketing of the house for sale....proved I needed to move. I looked into another roommate situation, but then decided I needed/WANTED to be on my own. I didn't want to have to report to anyone what I was doing, when I was coming home, who was coming over (i.e.-spending the night). I found a perfect little one bedroom apartment in the bottom level of an old row home. I am excited. I have never had my "own space" before. Someplace I can decorate how I want....with my mothers input of course. LOL.

I look forward to this new adventure in my life, but will always remember the past adventures with the sometimes great and sometimes horrible roommates.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

101 in 1001

The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Some common goal setting tips:
1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.
2. Stay Focused. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.
3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.
4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.
5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.

Start date-2/18/09
BOLD: Completed
ITALIC: In progress

Join a kickball team (Completed 10/22/09)
2. Start saving instead of always spending
3. Learn to play the piano
4. Take a photography class
5. Go back to Vegas
6. Go to Hersey Park
7. Buy a MAC
8. Take dance lessons
9. Go on a cruise
10. Get a massage once a month for 6 months (6/6) (completed 3/11/11)
11. See a band/singer from my childhood. (completed 5/29/11)
12. Reunite with old friends (completed 6/18/10)
13. Learn to ski/snowboard (completed 12/13/09)
14. Go to WV to visit family (completed 8/15/09)
15. Eat at a 5 star restaurant (completed 6/18/10)
16. Find the perfect wedge heels (completed)
17. Keep my finger nails painted for an entire week (8/1/10)
18. Train for a 5K
19. Watch Gone with the Wind (completed 4/14/09)
20. Watch a documentary
21. Make dinner everyday for a month
22. Have my brother visit me for a long weekend
23. Attend a gym class alone
24. Go whitewater rafting
25. See a musical on Broadway
26. Host a girls day brunch
27. Go to a rodeo
28. Subscribe to a Fitness Magazine
29. Visit 1 of the 7 Wonders of the World
30. Make a homemade Mojito
31. Skydive
32. Go kayaking on the Severn
33. Go rollerblading
34. Get a new hairdo (Completed 10/24/09)
35. Get another Tattoo
36. Go a month without drinking alcohol (completed 8/19/09)
37. Bungee Jump
38. Host a birthday party
39. Buy a plant and keep it alive for at least 6 months (Completed 10/04/09)
40. Go on a picnic
41. Try 7 Vegetarian recipes (5/7)
42. Play a round of golf.
43. Go to the Art Museum in DC
44. Drink a Bloody Mary
45. Go to restaurant week (completed 8/20/10)
46. Visit Martha's Vineyard
47. Go to a Hockey game

48. Learn how to change a tire
(completed 7/1/09)
49. Purchase a queen sized bed
50. See a movie by myself
51. Buy something in an antique store
52. Go to a psychic
53. Go Ice Skating in Central Park
54. Read a biography
55. Stay at a Bed and Breakfast on the Eastern Shore
56. Take daily vitamins for 3 months straight
57. Watch the sunrise
58. Drink a bottle of wine older than I am
59. Go to an 80's cover band concert
60. Go to Preakness
61. Go to a Navy Football game
62. Host a game night
63. Volunteer at a nursing home
64. Donate any clothing that I haven't worn in the past 6 months

65. Walk for charity
66. Have a facial (completed 12/12/09)
67. Become a semi-pro on internet surfing
68. Get my passport
69. Floss everyday for a month
70. Go to the Planetarium
71. Go to Denver (completed 6/15/10)
72. Take family photos
73. Go to an Eagles game in Philly
74. Pay for the person behind me at the toll
75. Whiten my teeth everyday for a week
76. Plant an herb garden
77. Go to a stand up comedy show (completed 3/13/09)
78. Make a scrapbook
79. Take a day trip to the beach (completed 7/22/11)
80. Go to the Renaissance festival
81. Go to an auction
82. Take the stairs instead of the elevator at work
83. Drink 8 glasses of water a day for 7 days straight
84. Find the perfect right hand ring (completed 8/2010)
85. Go to a Yankee's game (completed 4/28/10)
86. Monogram something
87. Finish my nephew's baby blanket
88. Buy a new car (completed 09/10/09)
89. Gamble in Atlantic City
90. Try a new cuisine every 3 months
91. Fly in a helicopter
92. Be in two places at the same time
93. Do the Polar Bear Plunge (completed 1/30/10)
94. Use my re-usable grocery store bags more than once
95. Carve a pumpkin (completed 10/25/09)
96. Go berry/fruit picking
97. Take a pottery class
98. Buy a mop/swiffer (completed 3/2/09)
99. Fly a kite
100. Take a cooking class
101. Donate $100 to charity for every task not completed (going big, more reason to complete them all!).

The Lovely Ladies of Mayhem

The lovely ladies to the left, Meg, Melissa, myself, Tammy, Jen and Erin.

These ladies came into my life, when I really needed them. They are in fact my "mayhem" women. We laugh, we laugh some more, party and enjoy the single life. Well Mel is married with a baby on the way and Jen seems to be the one of us to settle into a relationship with a genuinely great guy.

I met Mel first via another person. My introduction to Jen came next....with the infamous words from Mel to her..."If Auddie had a would date her." High praise I must say! Next came Meg and Tammy at a joint b'day for me and Virgo's are a day apart. Then Erin...and I must say our meeting was memorable in the back of a cab. LOL. I love all these girls and well am glad to call them my friends.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Starting the process

So I figure that everyone is doing it, and its a good way to keep my thoughts in check....I should join a blog.

I am not sure what you should write here. How much in depth into your life you should divulge. Let's see. I am seems to be the way I am destined to be. Every time I have a man come into my life...they ALWAYS seem to be that apple that fell from the tree. Bruised, damaged and just not ripe...and I seem to often end up damaged after the relationships end.

The one time a decent man comes into my life, I do everything to sabotage it. Something in my DNA seems to believe I don't deserve a kind, honest, sensitive for now I am destined to date the frogs in order to find my prince.