I will be moving into my first apartment...ON MY OWN.
For the last 2+ years I have lived with a great guy... Chris. He and I met on Craigslist, while I was looking for a new place to live...and while he had never lived with a girl roommate before, we fast became like brother and sister. He recently got engaged to a great girl and I couldn't be happier for them.
This engagement and the subsequent marketing of the house for sale....proved I needed to move. I looked into another roommate situation, but then decided I needed/WANTED to be on my own. I didn't want to have to report to anyone what I was doing, when I was coming home, who was coming over (i.e.-spending the night). I found a perfect little one bedroom apartment in the bottom level of an old row home. I am excited. I have never had my "own space" before. Someplace I can decorate how I want....with my mothers input of course. LOL.
I look forward to this new adventure in my life, but will always remember the past adventures with the sometimes great and sometimes horrible roommates.
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