Thursday, August 22, 2013

Letter to my Unborn Daughter

To my Daughter:

While Pretty does bear weight in this world {only a fool or a liar would tell you otherwise}, may you always remember that Smart, Funny, Thoughtful, and Kind are infinitely more beautiful than just Pretty.

May you accept no idea, religion, or platform blindly. At the same time, may you have deep faith in something larger than yourself.

I hope you always value a hand-written note and a book printed on paper.

For selfish reasons, I hope you love to read... to cook... to sing... to dance wildly... to be outdoors. I hope we spend countless hours doing these things together. But whatever your interests, I hope you have a few small passions that fit easily and snugly into your daily life -- find three minutes of bliss in an impromptu car aria; achieve momentary calm in the rhythm of a chef's knife.

I hope you cultivate a diverse group of encouraging friends who celebrate your victories, comfort your sorrows, and make mischief with you... Some will be lifelong and some that may appear for just a short time or specific purpose, but I hope they each enrich your life in ways big and small.

May negativity and self-doubt be fleeting. May the media, social pressures, and other outside influences occupy only the tiniest piece of your mental real estate {better yet, none at all}.
I hope you enjoy an active pursuit that keeps you healthy and involved -- preferably one with a ball of some sort. While your mama never had a natural ability for team sports, I feel strongly that girls greatly benefit from an organized sport in which they are encouraged to whack or kick something with all their might.

I hope the travel bug bites you hard. May you discover new pieces of yourself all over the wide world.

May you be generous and accepting, even to folks who do things differently than you do.

I hope you always remain curious and hungry for knowledge. Even when it is unkind to you, may you always see the world as a place of endless possibility.

May you fall hopelessly in love with someone hopelessly wrong for you. May you have the good sense to remember fondly but move on quickly.

I hope you come of age in a world where you are free to marry whomever you choose to love. I hope you choose someone who makes you laugh hourly, challenges you daily, and pushes you to be the best version of yourself possible always.
May you always be comfortable in your skin. I know in my heart that, wish as I might, this one will not always stick... Hell, it might never stick again after the age of 12. During lapses in confidence, may you always know I find you practically perfect in every way, regardless of your clothing size or the state of your cowlick. At times, that won't feel like nearly enough, but, remember, it is a constant, faithful something.

I hope the world continues to provide you with strong female role models and girl crushes - both in the public eye and in your personal life.

May your imagination take you on the most wondrous of adventures. May you believe in magic, Santa Claus, and the innate goodness of humanity as long as you possibly can.

I hope we will always be honest with one another. I hope communication between us remains easy... or, in those dark days of teenagerdom, as easy as can be reasonably expected. While I promise to be your parent first, I do hope we grow to be as close in friendship as your grandmother and I have.

Anyone who tells you it's possible to have it all at once is selling you something... However, I hope you get as close to "it all" as humanly possible.

One more {for now}...

May you always feel and NEVER doubt the depth of my love for you.

You are my best girl...

xo, Mom

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