So I am home sick from work today....fought the cold hard.....finally gave in. One day of doing absolutely nothing but sleep and movie watching....I feel 100 times better. Back to work tomorrow, but now.....
I am sitting on my couch looking at my Christmas tree.....yes we are already in 2010 and it is STILL up. I haven't had the heart to take it down. It is the first year I have ever owned my own Christmas tree and I just don't want to take it down.
In the process all my Christmas presents are still surrounding the tree! Yes I am this lazy.
I got some great presents this year.
From the momma:

Orzo: I've had an obsession with Orzo since my mom cooked it for me....however have been unable to locate the stuff....so she gave me some for X'mas.
Wine Marker Tree: If anyone knows me....I love wine. This tree has the little decorations you put on the bottom of your glass to identify at parties. LOVE IT!
Handmade Leaf Plate: I'm obsessed with leaves. Seriously every room in my house has some version or another....even my Christmas Tree has leaves on it...more about that in a few.

Crock-Pot Cookbook: My mom gave me a crock-pot for a housewarming gift and I am in love with it....now I can use it more with my wonderful cookbook.
Handmade Leaf Pendant: Again obsessed with the leaves....mom knows how to step it up a notch.
6. Lots of cute stocking stuffers: Tissues w/an A on them. Dreamerz Tea, Star Candles, Cork Candles, Pie Crist Shields, etc.
From the bestest and her family:

An apron w/an A on it
2. Fingerless Gloves/Mittens3. Best Friend Precious Moment (I cried when she gave me that)
4. Earring from her parents
5. Pampered Chef Square Baker in CranberryFrom my friend Ray
1. Coach wristlet (awesome gift and WAY over the top)
2. Ralph Lauren HOT perfume (I'm in love with this stuff and I hear they discontinued!)
From the dad and the rest of the family:
1. MONEY!!
Okay so back to my obsession with leaves. I bought the coolest ornaments for my tree.
Pewter Leaf Ornaments!!! and then after X'mas I found Bronze ones. Love it!

I imagine this weekend I'll get around to taking down my tree but for the next few days, I am going to enjoy the beauty of the lights and the ornaments and eventually put away all the presents. I just don't want the holidays to end.....am I crazy?!?!